Code of Conduct Resources

The CID Code of Conduct sets out standards of accountability and good practice in three areas: Programme Principles, Public Engagement, and Organisation. Collectively these areas cover fourteen sections, which amounts to 130 obligations.

Below you can find links to online training and resources that can help you strengthen your organisational knowledge, policies and practices in every area related to the CID Code of Conduct.

1. Programme Principles 

Includes obligations for effectiveness in aid and development activities, human rights, gender,  localisation, environmental sustainability, monitoring and evaluation, and how we work with partner agencies. 

2. Public Engagement 

Includes obligations for signatory organisations to be ethical and transparent in marketing, fundraising, and reporting. 

3. Organisational Capacity 

Includes obligations for governance, management, financial controls, protection from sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment, complaints-handling process, and compliance with legal requirements within New Zealand. 


Code of Conduct Policy Templates

CID has created the below Policy Templates to assist member organisations in building best practice policies.  The policies help organisations cover specific aspects of the CID Code of Conduct.


Code Policy Templates

CID Policy Template Child Protection

183 KB Word document

CID Policy Template Complaints Handling

73 KB Word document

CID Policy Template Control of Funds and Resources

68 KB Word document

CID Policy Template Emergency Management

67 KB Word document

CID Policy Template Environmental Sustainability

105 KB Word document

CID Policy Template Fundraising

104 KB Word document

CID Policy Template Non-Development Activity

66 KB Word document

CID Policy Template Whistleblowing

101 KB Word document