Papers & Submissions

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Discussion Paper - Investment Impact: an idea whose time has come

Posted on 02 December 2019

• For all the time, talent and treasure that NGOs apply to the pressing social and environmental issues of our time, what is really holding us back from lasting impact?”

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Photo 2

Helping the Humanitarian and Private Sectors Understand Each Other

Posted on 01 November 2019

SDG 17: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize
the global partnership for sustainable development”The SDGs require partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society for effective sustainable development. These…
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8 Oxfam Bangladesh Kelsey Rae Taylor

End of (2018-2019) Season Report: Humanitarian Joint Appeals Funding Mechanism

Posted on 17 September 2019


The funding landscape for humanitarian NGOs continues to change and is becoming even
more dynamic and innovative, not only in partnership and collaboration but also for
mechanisms for funding.
CID’s 2018 annual survey…
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Solomons Sumi Subramaniam FPI 3

CID Submission – Inquiry into New Zealand’s aid to the Pacific

Posted on 02 September 2019

to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade CommitteePDF


1. The Council for International Development (CID) would like to thank the Foreign Affairs,
Defence and Trade Committee for the opportunity to make a…
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Solomons 2007 Tsunami

CID Submission - Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva, 13th – 17th May 2019

Posted on 01 September 2019


1.       The Council for International Development (CID) would like to thank MFAT for the opportunity to make a submission to support the delegation attending the Global Platform for Disaster Risk…
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Bougainville Tom Greenwood Oxfam v2

Localisation Workshop Report

Posted on 14 August 2019

CID/PIANGO Discussion PaperAuthor: Jacqueline ParisiLink to paper (PDF)

Link to PIANGO presentation (PDF)

Executive Summary:

In May 2019 the Council for International Development (CID), in partnership with the Pacific
Islands Association of Non-governmental…
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Indonesia Tsunami Year later Philip Maher 3

Beyond Radicalisation: Designing the Role of Civil Society to combat radicalisation in New Zealand and the Pacific

Posted on 30 June 2019

CID Discussion paperAuthor: Faried F. SaenongFormally Lecturer at the Institute of Qur’anic Studies Jakarta, and Expert Staff member for the Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs, Jakarta-Indonesia.

Synopsis: This paper examines the…
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Ocean and land view from air Environment Pedram v3

NZDF Defence Capability Plan 2019 launched by Hon. Ron Mark

Posted on 14 June 2019


Author: Campbell Garrett, Council for International Development (attended the official launch at the Beehive on behalf of CID members)

Summary:This week the government launched its Defence Capability Plan, with $20 billion of…
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Mali Chris Sisarch WV

The New Zealand Aid Eco-system - Opportunities and Challenges

Posted on 01 June 2019

CID Discussion PaperAuthor: Chris Clarke Synopsis: This document provides some points for discussion on the current shape of the NZ aid ecosystem; the challenges and opportunities; the role INGOs might play as…
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Africa UNICEF 2 v2

CID Submission – Review of Charities Act 2005 & Non-Government Organisations (NGOs)

Posted on 01 May 2019


Introduction1. The Council for International Development (CID) would like to thank the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) for the opportunity to provide a written submission. This submission outlines the thoughts…
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