+ New safeguarding policy announced by MFATThis week, MFAT released its Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy and Guidelines.
CID members will have a chance to discuss further with MFAT at the upcoming Annual Manatū Aorere/MFAT – NGO Hui on 22 October, the day after the CID Conference.
MFAT and CID will also host a joint workshop on the Policy and Guidelines in due course.
This will give CID members a chance to work with MFAT on how best to implement the policy. That means getting some clarify around what we can 'control' and what we can 'influence' in terms of the behaviour of our partners, and also what level of incident needs to be reported to MFAT.
The Policy is principles-based and sets out minimum standards for CID members and other delivery partners and suppliers, to prevent and manage sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment risks.
NGOs that have completed the due diligence framework for either the Negotiated Partnerships programme or Manaaki fund, will have already been assessed against relevant criteria.
MFAT's Policy, Guidelines and Incident Notification Form can all be found on our MFAT website
Just a reminder, this time last year, New Zealand and 22 other countries signed the
joint commitment to tackle sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH) in the development cooperation sector.
MFAT would like you to email them at
safeguarding@mfat.govt.nz if you have any questions in the meantime.