+ Offer of free photography to membersGiora Dan is an internationally published documentary photographer based in Christchurch. For the last 2 years Giora has provided an annual offer of two weeks of photography free of charge to CID members. The two weeks are dedicated to create a body of work that tell a story with strong and evocative images of the development organisation’s work, portraying either a specific project or general exposure for the organisation. In 2017 the offer was utilised by Save the Children, New Zealand, where Giora photographed and videoed their work in Bangladesh and Nepal. In 2018 the offer was utilised by Fair Trade and the photography covered the production of Fair Trade cacao and coffee in Peru. APPLICATIONCID member organisations wishing to apply for this offer are invited to submit a written proposal for consideration. The application should state: 1. The nature of the issue/ activity needed to be covered 2. What the organisation wants to achieve with the images 3. Where the activity is located. Please apply by e-mail to info@gioradan.com by 20 February 2020. It is possible to apply for a period of less than two weeks; other organisations will then be able to use the remaining time. If you wish to discuss a possible application please e-mail or call 021 767883. TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT
- Image use: The development organisation will be able to use the images on any publishing platform printed, digital & broadcasted in perpetuity.
- Intellectual property: (copy right) of the images stays with the photographer. Images cannot be shared, sold or donated to any other organisation or individuals without written permission from the photographer (excludes facebook type-of-share platforms) .
- Images: will be delivered in a digital file format.
- Photographer’s donation is his time and skills; all other expenses are to be covered by the organisation (e.g. transport and on-ground expenses).