+ MFAT - NGOs Annual Hui
Manatū Aorere/MFAT is pleased to invite you to register for the Annual Hui with New Zealand NGOs on 22 October, 8.30am-4pm. The hui will be held at the Tiakiwai Conference Centre, which is located in the National Library of Aotearoa/New Zealand in Wellington. Please register your interest in attending by emailing partneringforimpact@mfat.govt.nz by 5pm on Friday 27 September 2019. A single RSVP for each organisation would be appreciated, if possible, including:
- Names and roles of staff members attending
- Dietary requirements/preferences
- Mobility and/or access or other requirements
You are of course welcome to make changes if staff become available/unavailable, up until 12 October - as the venue will require finalised attendee lists by that time. To help co-design a day that’s useful and interesting for everyone, a brief 5 min survey has been prepared and can be accessed here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/N8MQKYJ. If you haven’t already done so (and many thanks if you have) your response by 5pm Wednesay 11 September 2019, would be appreciated, enabling sufficient time to plan in response to your suggestions. Registered participants will be sent further details on the programme and venue closer to the time. Manatū Aorere/MFAT looks forward to your participation.