Posted on 23 November 2023
The Pacific Islands Forum (FIF) Leaders Meeting was held in Raratonga earlier this month - here are a few of the significant outcomes from the week long summit:
- The landmark announcement of the Falepili Agreement, in which Australia offered residency to Tuvaluans forced to relocate due to climate change.
- Saudia Arabia announcing a significant contribution of US $50 million to assist in kickstarting the Pacific Resilience Facility (PRF) to increase preparedness to climate related disasters in the region.
- The US reiterated their US $8 billion commitment of funding to the Pacific, and their focus on enhancing their partnerships within the region
- Adoption of implementation plan for PIF 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific.
- Baron Waqa, former Nauru President, was confirmed as the next PIF Secretary General
Listen to this audio brief from Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Kathyrn Paik - Global Implications of the 52nd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Meeting - to gain more insight into the outcomes of the meeting.